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Article: EHDEN
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17th September 2021
Following a fabulous foundation, the European HealthData & Evidence Network creates a new legal entity!

EHDEN announces the creations of a new legal entity, a not-for-profit incorporated in The Netherlands which objective will be to transition the project into a long-term, sustainable operation from 2024. The new legal entity will facilitate the developing ecosystem, initializing the research operating model post-project, working in parallel on the transition and cross-fade between the project and the legal entity. As a sustainable entity, it is going to service research in the EHDEN network and wider research community, supporting studies, study-a-thons, methodological and technical developments, as well as research programmes.

This decision was taken due to the successful performance of the project. EHDEN is progressing and making great achievements which go beyond the original aims in the build of the Data Partner network, infrastructure development, evidence generation, and education being at project midpoint. EHDEN has created a growing network, currently consisting of 98 Data Partners in 23 countries across the European region, with greater than 400 million health records being harmonised to the OMOP common data model. Meanwhile, by the end of this year, 49 small-to-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) will have been trained across 23 countries, certified and then working with Data Partners on a consistent data harmonisation process of their source data. SYNAPSE is proud of enabling this community with its role in the day-to-day coordination of the progress of the network and milestone achievement.

SYNAPSE is proud of enabling this community with its role in the day-to-day coordination of the progress of the network and milestone achievement.

The EHDEN evidence-generation work is accelerating, in part due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and we have contributed to 36 publications to date, with increasing scientific exposure through international meetings and via OHDSI. The EHDEN Academy has supported over 1500 participants with its courses since its launch, and we continue to expand our educational activities, also via the OHDSI Education Working Group.

In the remainder of the project, EHDEN plans to consolidate on these achievements and further expand both our network as well as evidence generation.

EHDEN’s vision remains a Europe where harmonised real-world data is used by the healthcare community to more rapidly generate high quality insights that improve outcomes for patients, revolutionising how treatment and care are implemented and evaluated.

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