A wide variety of international projects and public-private partnerships encompassing all stages of biomedical research
Proven track record on
highly innovative research projects
The launch of the READI project (Research in Europe and Diversity Inclusion) marks a significant step towards a more inclusive and equitable future for clinical research in Europe. This ambitious initiative, funded by the Horizon Europe Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) and driven by meaningful co-leadership with patients, aims to ensure that underserved and underrepresented populations are meaningfully included in clinical studies. The READI project is intended to address significant gaps in representation, focusing on communities that have long been excluded from clinical research.
VICT3R is dedicated to reducing animal use in toxicology research. Aligned with the 3Rs principles—Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement—VICT3R aims to revolutionize the field by developing innovative Virtual Control Groups (VCGs) that not only enhance scientific outcomes but also uphold higher ethical standards.
The European Platform for Neurodegenerative Diseases (EPND) is a consortium of multidisciplinary public and private sector partners in neurodegenerative disease research. Our mission is to accelerate the discovery of diagnostics and treatments by removing barriers to data and sample sharing and fostering collaboration.
SUSTAIN-HTA aims to upskill the pan-European HTA body workforce and harmonise HTA expertise via a robust education and training framework that ensures continuous uptake of novel, need-based HTA methodologies. Aligned with the methodological developments as part of the new EU HTA regulation, the project will set up a mechanism for dialogues and interaction between HTA bodies and academia to regularly assess HTA bodies’ needs in parallel with a methods observatory that ensures up-to-date knowledge of the latest HTA methods.
The Real-World Implementation, Deployment, and Validation of Early Detection Tools and Lifestyle Enhancement (AD-RIDDLE) project will offer healthcare providers a toolbox platform of validated resources and tailored interventions to help detect, diagnose, prevent, and treat Alzheimer’s disease. The AD-RIDDLE consortium, formed by 24 partners, brings together a unique, interdisciplinary collaboration of academic institutions and healthcare providers, pharmaceutical and diagnostic companies, regulatory bodies, and patient advocacy organisations. This project is funded by the Innovative Health Initiative (IHI), an EU public-privatepartnership funding health research and innovation.
The CLAIMS project is a public-private partnership aiming to address this and make precision medicine for Multiple sclerosis (MS) patients a reality through data-driven prognosis and treatment advice, in order to better slow down disease progression and eventually conversion to progressive MS. We will develop, validate and submit for regulatory approval a companion diagnostic platform, which offers the MS care team a holistic view of the patient through the visualization of the clinical and subclinical biomarkers and the prediction of the expected disease trajectory under different treatments. For biomarker extraction and treatment prediction, state-of-the-art technologies that allow a reliable and scalable implementation across the world will be used. We believe this platform will initiate the paradigm shift from a trial-and-error, experienced-based treatment of MS patients to a first-time-right, value-based holistic treatment management, and will, hence, improve patient outcomes at a lower total cost of care, enhance patient experience and improve the well-being of the care team.
The aim of PROMINENT is to create a platform for precision medicine in the diagnosis and treatment of neurodegenerative disease and co-morbidities. Therefore, it will represent the first application of the platform is in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and other dementia disorders, with scalability to other neurodegenerative diseases and beyond. The digital platform that will integrate complex, multi-modal diagnostic data and generate personalized predictions of patient-relevant outcomes and evidence-based recommendations for clinical management will also provide meaningful support to clinicians, patients, and care partners. Furthermore, it is aimed that with such platform it can be facilitated the appropriate introduction of new medical technologies (diagnostic and therapeutic innovations) and it can be provided required evidence on safety, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness for stakeholders including regulators, health technology assessment and reimbursement bodies and payers.
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is establishing a Coordination Centre to provide timely and reliable evidence on the use, safetyand effectiveness of medicines for human use, including vaccines, from realworld healthcare databases across the European Union (EU). The role of the Coordination Centre is to develop and manage a network of real-world healthcare data sources across the EU and to conduct scientific studies requested by medicines regulators and, at a later stage, also requested by other stakeholders. By supporting decision-making on medicines, a wide range of stakeholders will benefit, from patients and healthcare professionals to health technology assessment bodies, payers and the pharmaceutical industry. Additionally, DARWIN EU® will provide an invaluable resource to prepare for and respond to future healthcare crises and pandemics.
The mission of the European Health Data & Evidence Network (EHDEN) is to provide a new paradigm for the discovery and analysis of health data in Europe, by building a large-scale, federated network of data sources standardised to a common data model. EHDEN will build on prior projects, such as EMIF and EHR4CR, in scaling their original intents and technologies.
The main aim of NEURONET is to set up an efficient platform to boost synergy and collaboration across the IMI projects of the Neurodegenerative Disorders (ND) portfolio, assisting in identifying gaps, multiplying its impact, enhancing its visibility, and facilitating dovetailing with related initiatives in Europe and worldwide.
Neuronet KB includes links to over 380 publications and more than 350 publishable deliverable report
This comprehensive resource is an integral part of NEURONET's endeavour to boost collaboration across the research portfolio by assisting in identifying gaps, multiplying the portfolio's impact and enhancing its visibility with related initiatives in Europe and worldwide.
ERA4TB (European Regimen Accelerator for Tuberculosis) project is a public-private initiative devoted to accelerating the development of new treatment regimens for tuberculosis. The ERA4TB platform is based on a progression pipeline that can cater simultaneously for a variety of molecules at different stages of development.
The eTRANSAFE project aims at improving the safety assessment across the drug discovery and development process by applying bioinformatics approaches to shared preclinical and clinical data to systematically analyse the translatability of effects. Thus, enabling the optimisation of resources and the development of safer medicines.
The Translational Safety Biomarker Pipeline (TransBioLine) Project aims to generate exploratory and confirmatory data supporting regulatory qualification and acceptance of novel safety biomarkers for five target organ systems (kidney, liver, pancreas, vascular, and central nervous system) for application in drug development.
SYNAPSE PI is a graphical interface based on the Business Intelligence dashboard model, that displays key documentation, metrics and day-to-day relevant information at a single glance.
The overall objective of HTx is to create a framework for next generation Health Technology Assessment that supports patient-centred, societally oriented, real-time decision-making for integrated healthcare throughout Europe.
ROADMAP aims to create the conditions for an open collaboration that yields consensual and efficient uses of RWE for the benefit of Alzheimer’s Disease patients and their caregivers. This will be achieved by using pilot studies to assess methods of data integration for patient outcomes that are useful for disease modelling; and developing tools and methods for stakeholder engagement. ROADMAP will set new standards for the collation and evaluation of RWE in Alzheimer’s Disease.
3D interactive cube that allows the visualisation of the landscape on available Alzheimer's disease data in Europe.
This tool consists of a data cube that can be seen as a tree-dimensional “heat map” to interactively visualise how European data sources captures relevant AD-related outcomes. It also provides an overview of the relevance of such outcomes for different disease stages, and for different types of stakeholders. - Project Intelligence tool designed and developed by Synapse.
DRIVE aims at developing a governance model between public and private entities to enable a sustainable network of influenza vaccine effectiveness. This model will ensure scientific independence in the studies and full transparency, allowing different stakeholders to fulfil their needs considering their respective obligations and statutes.
TransQST aims to develop novel computational approaches using the best available data from the public and private domains to improve the understanding of adverse drug reactions (i.e., unwanted side effects of medication) to reduce significantly patient morbidity, mortality and hospitalisation costs.
HARMONY aims at capturing, integrating, analysing, and harmonising anonymous patient data from high-quality multidisciplinary sources to unlock valuable knowledge on haematological diseases for a better prognosis and quicker life-saving decisions for patients.
AMYPAD aims at studying the onset, dynamics, and clinical relevance of brain β-amyloid in the spectrum from normal ageing, through subjective cognitive decline towards mild cognitive impairment and ultimately dementia due to Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), studying the value of β-amyloid imaging as a diagnostic and therapeutic marker for AD.
EPAD aims to develop an infrastructure that efficiently enables the undertaking of adaptive, multi-arm Proof of Concept studies for early and accurate decisions on the ongoing development of drug candidates or drug combinations.