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Article: AMYPAD
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23rd September 2022

Mery Loor and Sandra Pla, our Project Managers and lead members of AMYPAD’s Project Management Office, played part of the plenary session ‘Management of year 6’ at the Final General Assembly Meeting 2022 in Amsterdam.

They shared with the audience the main challengesfaced during the project life from the project management perspective. Theyalso reminded the last duties from project participants, including the finalreports and administrative closure of the project.

Mery Loor and Sandra Pla, our Project Managers, DURING THEIR SESSIONS

Mery Loor and Sandra Pla, our Project Managers, joined the AMYPAD Final General Assembly Meeting, a 2-day event celebrated on September 22-23 in Amsterdam with the participation of more than 80 representatives of AMYPAD partners including IMI JU, EFPIA, scientific advisors and external collaborators. After two years of virtual meetings, we had the opportunity to meet again in person with all partners.

As lead members of AMYPAD’s Project Management Office, Mery Loor and Sandra Pla, introduced in the plenary session entitled ‘Management of year 6’ the challenges faced from the management perspective and the main activities carried out during the last period. Over a 6-year period, our committed project members have made a major effort to fulfil the project activities, by adjusting as needed the project plan to ensure that the scientific aims of the project are achieved.

During this session, our Project Managers highlighted leaders’ and contributors’ roles in submitting the official reports to IMI (deliverables) on time, noting that 80% have been delivered to IMI JU up to date. At this moment, the Consortium remains committed to delivering the 16 pending deliverables.

Additionally, they outlined the reasoning and timeline of the latest and final version of the Grant Agreement. This revised contract has been the result of budget reallocation, optimisation on efforts among WPs, and the inclusion of new subcontractors for specific activities.

Finally, the presentation pointed out several upcoming tasks over the following months. AMYPAD partners and the PMO will focus on the last technical and financial period report for year 6 to successfully finalise the project.

AMYPAD receives support from the Innovative Medicines Initiative and EFPIA. In this project, SYNAPSE has also contributed with its experience on managing research initiatives in the field of Alzheimer’s disease gathered from previous experiences in projects such as EPAD, ROADMAP and NEURONET.

AMYPAD aims at studying the onset, dynamics, and clinical relevance of brain β-amyloid in the spectrum from normal ageing, through subjective cognitive decline towards mild cognitive impairment and ultimately dementia due to Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), studying the value of β-amyloid imaging as a diagnostic and therapeutic marker for AD.

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